[GNC] New version does not retain resized columns

Tony Vanson tonyvans70 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 05:47:44 EDT 2020

Thank you, I'll give that a shot.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 4:36 PM Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be>

> Op maandag 22 juni 2020 10:51:46 CEST schreef Tony Vanson:
> > Hi all,
> > Just installed GnuCash 3.906 on Windows 10 and find that it doesn't
> retain
> > the accounts column widths. I set the widths by double clicking each
> > column's header and then pulling the left most Transfer column limiter to
> > the left and let it snap back. This it has the desired effect of resizing
> > the columns so that all digits appear but when I close and open the
> account
> > it has reverted back to the old widths.
> > Any clues please?
> Column width handling in gnucash 3.9x has been completely redesigned. You
> can no longer save column widths for individual registers (unless you keep
> that register open permanently). Instead you can set default column widths
> per register class. You do so by first setting the column widths as you
> prefer and then use the Window menu to save the default column widths.
> Regards,
> Geert

*Tony Vanson*

*The older I get,*
*the better I was*

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