[GNC] Help Find Feature

Gio Bacareza gbacareza at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 22:59:22 EST 2020

Thanks Maf, I tried that but it doesn't let me do what I ultimately want to
do. The goal is to be able to delete all transactions to expense account
and all it's children.

So example consider accountA. In it you would have transactions to/from:

I want to be able to search so it will list Expense:E and F but NOT
Accounts B and C.  Then I can delete these expenses.

Doing it with the report requires me to do 2 steps: 1 click the link, then
2 delete. Then I have to go back to the report and do it again. If I'm
deleting many transactions, it will take so much time. So I'm looking for a
better way.

On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 7:41 PM Maf. King <maf at chilwell.net> wrote:

> On Saturday, 7 March 2020 11:34:33 GMT Gio Bacareza wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've read the manual, tried everything and searched the lists but can't
> > seem to figure out how you can search for ALL expense transactions from a
> > certain account.
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> Try the transaction report, (or possibly  the account report.)
> HTH,
> Maf.



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