[GNC] Help Find Feature
Adrien Monteleone
adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sun Mar 8 14:24:59 EDT 2020
The proper Find operation would be this:
1. Open the AccountA register.
2. Edit > Find
3. Set Criteria to “All Accounts”
3a. If you want all transactions that contain *both* Expense:E and Expense:F
-then select both accounts in the pop-up selector (use CTRL/CMD-click to select non-adjacent accounts, or shift-click for a range)
3b. If you want transactions that contain *either* Expense:E or Expense:F
-then select Expense:E
-then Add another “All Accounts” criteria and select Expense:F
-then change the “Search for items where” to “any criteria are met”
4. Click the Find button
From the search results, delete each transaction as desired one-by-one.
Note, you can further refine search results with additional Finds from the resulting register of a previous Find.
> On Mar 8, 2020 w11d68, at 1:14 PM, Adrien Monteleone <adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net> wrote:
> Per a previous post Gio noted the intent to delete *some* expense transactions.
> The example given was:
>> So example consider accountA. In it you would have transactions to/from:
>> AccountB
>> AccountC
>> Expense:E
>> Expense:F
>> I want to be able to search so it will list Expense:E and F but NOT
>> Accounts B and C. Then I can delete these expenses.
> It still isn’t clear if the intent is to delete everything in Expense:E & Expense:F or just those that also are split with AccountA.
> In the latter case, a proper Find operation I think is the fastest route, deleting each one by one from that resulting list. (a search result that is, not a report which does involve extra clicks as the OP noted.)
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Mar 8, 2020 w11d68, at 12:48 PM, Stephen M. Butler <kg7je at arrl.net> wrote:
>> Hmm. Did you say _every_ transaction involved in _all_ expense accounts?
>> Open your file and save off a copy.
>> Then on the Accounts tab, find the top-level Expenses account and
>> highlight that.
>> Click on Edit menu item and then on Delete Account.
>> On the popup screen select the options to delete sub-accounts and to
>> delete transactions.
>> Click on the Delete button on the lower right corner.
>> POOF -- all transactions involving an expense account are gone. So are
>> all the Expense accounts! But you can add those back in as needed.
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