[GNC] Find or search all expenses in a certain account
Adrien Monteleone
adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Mar 9 11:53:52 EDT 2020
Gio, as per the other thread, and John’s advice here, you’re still missing a setting change for criteria search.
Looking at the chart in your GoogleDoc, the only combo that is relevant is the last pair.
1. Conduct the Find from the Account Register in question. (so far referred to as AccountA, or test_find in your Doc)
2. Use an All Accounts criteria
3. The only middle option here is to ‘match all accounts’ you can’t choose anything else.
4. Select either a single target expense account, or multiples. (try with just one first)
**5. In the upper right hand corner, above the criteria, you need to change the setting labeled “Search for items where” to “any criteria are met” (the default is ‘all criteria are met’)
Do not include AccountA/test_find in your account selection, you are already doing a Find from within that register.
You should get proper results. I’ve tried this sequence several times with different accounts and for each one I’m getting the expected results and I’ve verified them looking over the register in question.
> On Mar 9, 2020 w11d69, at 12:09 AM, Gio Bacareza <gbacareza at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi John, I tried your recommendation. I actually tried to test all
> scenarios I can think of (I can't help myself). Unfortunately, it still
> does not produce the result I want.
> I'm sharing the results and details of what I did here. Google Docs here
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/16-4oAiKGfULuI0GJXV73JUx6dv7aLk5mjYDAAo3FK5E/edit?usp=sharing
> or if you prefer PDF here
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/16-4oAiKGfULuI0GJXV73JUx6dv7aLk5mjYDAAo3FK5E/edit?usp=sharing
> Is there anything I am missing?
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