[GNC] Using Quicken direct connect with USAA

Jon Schewe jpschewe at mtu.net
Mon May 25 10:35:59 EDT 2020

I have been using the Web Connect with USAA for years and that's worked
great. However now I see that they are discontinuing support for this
feature. So I'm trying to setup Direct Connect. I found the
instructions for setting up USAA at 
however I'm not seeing the "Server Capabilities" tab to select the
account list download options.

I'm using GnuCash 3.10 from flatpak.
I'm on Linux.

I have the following Settings:
"User Settings"
User Name, User id and Client UID all set to my USAA number. I have
tried both with the 00 prefix and without.

"Bank Settings"
Broker ID: 5874
FID: 24591
Server URL: https://service2.usaa.com/ofx/OFXServlet

"Application Settings"
I've tried the default application settings and the settings that
should be for Quicken 2017:
Application ID: QWIN
Application Version: 2600
Header Version: 102

Under "Special Settings" I've tried HTTP Version blank, 1.0 and 1.1.
I've checked "Force SSLv3".

When I go back to the "Bank Settings" tab I see the following after
clicking on "Retrieve Account List".

09:26:37 Sending request...
09:26:37 Using GnuTLS default ciphers.
09:26:37 TLS: SSL-Ciphers negotiated: TLS1.3:ECDHE-RSA-AES-256-GCM:AEAD
09:26:37 Waiting for response...
09:26:37 Operation finished, you can now close this window.

The AqBanking Setup never lets me get to the point of associating USAA
accounts with GnuCash accounts. Can someone give me some pointers on
what is wrong here?

Thank you,

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