[GNC] Cannot Obtain Lock error?

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Sat Nov 7 05:05:13 EST 2020

On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 04:45:54PM -0600, David Carlson wrote:
> Jack,
> While I am sure that you are correct that you are using the latest version,
> it helps the rest of us if you copy the version and build numbers from your
> Help > About as sometimes there are multiple builds for some OS's.  In
> addition it is helpful if you also mention what file format your data file
> is in, and if you store it anywhere other than in a subfolder of your User
> folder on your C: drive.
No to mention that there are very often (nearly always?) at least
three 'latest versions' for Open Source software:-

    The latest stable, general release, version

    The latest beta version, for 'ordinary users' to test, or even use
    if it works well for them

    The latest 'cutting edge' direct from the software developers,
    often people will use this if it happens to have a new feature
    they 'really, really' need.

Chris Green

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