[GNC] Cannot Obtain Lock error?

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Sat Nov 7 09:04:47 EST 2020

> No to mention that there are very often (nearly always?) at least
> three 'latest versions' for Open Source software:-
>      The latest stable, general release, version
>      The latest beta version, for 'ordinary users' to test, or even use
>      if it works well for them
>      The latest 'cutting edge' direct from the software developers,
>      often people will use this if it happens to have a new feature
>      they 'really, really' need.
Close. Let me add my two cents.

Beta: Use this IF needing some new feature. But be prepared for possible 
problems. Report any problems to the developers. not the user list 
UNLESS the sort of subtle problem that at first glace looks OK but 
really isn't (in that case might also want to put a warning post on the 
users' list). Also might ASK on the users' list "any other beta users 
seeing what I am seeing?"

Alpha: Here is where I disagree somewhat with the post above. Only 
dedicates testers committing to seeking out and reporting problems to 
the developers should be using alpha. An end user doing this needs to 
have some experience testing software and when seeing something wrong 
not just giving a vague report but playing around a bit to be able to 
tell the developers WHAT gnucash seems to be doing wrong, not just 
"doing ti wrong".

       Thus an end user whose motivation is "new feature I really really 
need" needs ALSO to have that testing experience. Otherwise you are 
putting your "production data" at risk. Alpha versions are expected to 
(still) be buggy. It would probably be OK for me to risk an alpha, but 
I'm retired from a few decades spent in the cypher mines.

Michael D Novack

There is no possibility of social justice on a dead planet except the equality of the grave.

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