[GNC] Wrong starting balance

Liz edodd at billiau.net
Sun Nov 22 00:13:31 EST 2020

On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 17:30:08 -0600
David Carlson <david.carlson.417 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Liz:
> If I understand correctly, at some point intentionally or
> unintentionally you were able to move a previously reconciled
> transaction from one account to a different account without changing
> the reconciliation status.  I just tried that in release 3.8 and I
> received a warning that the reconciliation will be cancelled.
> Do you remember which release of GnuCash you were using at that time?
>  I cannot test release 4.2 so I cannot check whether a new bug report
> needs to be filed.
> I believe that user action is equivalent to my previous description of
> changing the account GUID of a given split line which has a
> reconciliation status of 'Y'.  If not, someone please enlighten me.

Version: 4.2
Build ID: 4.2+(2020-09-26)
Finance::Quote: 1.47

On Debian

I was dealing with an intermediate account I made to help me follow a
credit I have with the tax people.

So I was moving payments made to the tax authority into an intermediate
account, type Liability. They were moved from an Asset account, type
They had been reconciled.

So Tax has to be paid, counted in account X
The liability to pay the tax is counted in account Y
The payments are still made to the tax people from account Z

Previously the system counted the tax in X and paid it from Y
so instead of X <> Z
the books now go X <> Y and Y <> Z

To get the accounting correct I have had to move reconciled
transactions from Z to Y (they were scheduled transactions).
The change was made from X, a non-reconciled account
I said "Do not tell me again this session that I am changing a
reconciled transaction"

When the transactions were reviewed in Y they remained reconciled, and
the amounts were reconciled in Y, which was inappropriate.

How much of this needs to go in the bug report?


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