[GNC] Make PDF from reports

Derek Zehr dehrtobe at daystar.io
Thu Oct 22 21:16:54 EDT 2020

Nice to know about the htmltopdf package. On Ubuntu, the closest I found 
was wkhtmltopdf.

But Ubuntu does have Print to PDF built in, and it works great. I'll be 
using my Ubuntu system more often than the Windows 7 in the long run 



On 2020-10-20 9:45 p.m., Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Yes, but I think it is the Draw application of the suite that handles 
> PDF editing.
> However, since Writer is the app associated to open HTML (exported by 
> GnuCash), most likely that would be used initially for the 'printing 
> to PDF' function.
> If I recall correctly, LO's PDF generation at one time was superior to 
> Adobe with respect to the standard, but it has been many years since 
> I've read that.
> So if the OP is already using LO, no need for Bullzip as LO can 
> export/print to PDF directly.
> Also, if a user has a *nix system on their network, they can easily 
> set up a cups-pdf printer on that system as a shared printer for 
> anyone else on the network to use. This still doesn't get around the 
> GnuCash Webkit issue though. You'd still need to export as HTML and go 
> from there.
> Also, if on a *nix system, and you don't sweat the command line, there 
> is an htmltopdf package most likely available to you for install as 
> well, so you can skip the clicks of a browser or LO.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 10/20/20 1:42 PM, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
>> For still using Windows 7.
>> Can't you still get LibreOffice for 7?  I'm pretty sure if you have a 
>> document open under "Writer" you can export as PDF.
>> The point is, I used to be under Win 7 and used the LibreOffice Suite 
>> (instead of MS Office)
>> Michael
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