[GNC] Document link field is missing on CSV import

Glenn Fowler gfowler1 at outlook.com
Sat Apr 3 10:22:34 EDT 2021

What a great feature having the attachments option since v4.0!

However, when doing a CSV transaction import, the "document link" is
missing in the option columns.
I searched the archives and BugZilla and found nothing on this. Is it truly
missing or is there a workaround?

My motivation behind this is to write a script that will take a receipt or
invoice, extract the data from it, and dump it into a CSV. The link for the
receipt or invoice will be in the document link in GnuCash. You then just
go through the transactions in GnuCash just to human verify.

Simply having this option would extend GnuCash to all of the API's out
there that can do all of the heavy lifting extracting the data from
receipts and invoices. They are all only a few cents per OCR.

This option via the gnucash-cli would be even better but it seems that only
has limited functionality at the moment such as reports.

Other accounting programs also use file or URL links so how would someone
import this into GnuCash?

Thank you

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