[GNC] Book setup

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Mon Apr 12 06:37:04 EDT 2021

You should only have to carry forward the Assets and Liabilities and create
the opening balances for them. This will create the corresponding entries in
Equity in the form of the Opening Balances

The items in Equity which previously appeared in Retained Earnings etc will
now be included in the Equity:OpeningBalances account. 

If you specifically want to include the Retained earnings balance and other
previous balances in Equity you could create them with a transfer
transaction like

Equity:OpeningBalances       Dr  xxxx
Equity:Retained Earnings                           Cr xxxx

where xxxx is the balance carried forward from your previous books with
similar transactions to create the carry forward balances for other equity
accounts.  Annottae the description field to indicate these are balances
carried forward and a reference to the previous books.

David Cousens

You can edit the opening balance transactions and change the date to an
appropriate date

David Cousens
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