[GNC] Upgrade 4.4 tp 4.5 annoyances on flatpak

Frank H. Ellenberger frank.h.ellenberger at gmail.com
Sat Apr 24 09:28:21 EDT 2021

Hello again,

forget my previous mail. I mixed up the release and the nightlies. The
release got the 3.38 runtime, which was already in use almost a half
year in the nightlies – without complains.

There must be another reason. Did you by chance delete something in
~/.var/app or another place mentioned for flatpak in


Am 24.04.21 um 00:01 schrieb Frank H. Ellenberger:
> Hello Dale,
> it seems most of the points are based on the loss of your previous settings.
> The Gnome devs tricked us here by offering a platform 40 as successor of
> 3.38. You can think, 40 is the successor of 38, that should be a minor
> ungrade. But in fact it goes from 3.x to 40, a major jump with changes
> like moving the dconf location, gtk 3 -> 4 …
> Still undecided what to do: redo the bundle with runtime 3.38, John?
> Regards
> Frank
> Am 23.04.21 um 22:42 schrieb Dale Alspach:
>> My install was upgraded this week (flathub) from gnucash 4.4 to 4.5 on
>> Linux Mint 20.
>> I think some of these have been reported by others.
>> 1. First gnucash opened as though I was a new user and needed a new account
>> setup. I was able to stop this and get to the file menu and my last
>> saved version. The load of my file takes a while and there was no
>> indication that it was actually working and not hung. It did finally finish
>> loading.
>> 2. Autosave was not working. Though after three days and quitting and
>> restarting it asked me a few minutes ago whether I wanted autosave to work.
>> Now it appears to be working (fingers crossed).
>> 3. Some settings/preferences were lost. Examples: blank transaction before
>> future transactions, my open tabs
>> 4. The memory of past transactions was odd. In one account it seemed to be
>> fine but in another it would complete the description but not the other
>> account or amount. Now it seems to be working correctly.
>> 5. It defaulted to fractional presentation  for some columns for
>> investments. Changing the decimal preferences fixed this.
>> 6. Apparently a new feature was implemented which is annoying me. In the
>> past I was able to open a credit card account and clear several
>> transactions without hitting "enter". Now I am having to retrain myself to
>> click the "n" and then hit "enter" to avoid getting a discard/save popup. I
>> can see that trying to change "y" to "n" or "c" might trigger the dialogue
>> but I would prefer that switching between "n" and "c" not.
>> I wonder whether it was necessary to quit and restart to get gnucash
>> working correctly with my data file.
>> Dale
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