[GNC] Accidental Loss of All Existing Tabs

paul at kroitor.ca paul at kroitor.ca
Sun Dec 5 13:55:51 EST 2021

(a resend of a mistitled prior message)


For the last thirty years (has it really been that long?) I have been using
Quicken to track the finances of about twelve entities. Most are
individuals, but there are two non-profits, a trust, and two "real"
companies. Starting five years ago, I have been slowly converting these to
GnuCash, and I now have moved over four of them.

Generally, I am very happy with GnuCash, and I both thank and congratulate
everyone who has contributed to it over the years. However, like every
software package, it has small annoyances that drive me nuts. However, there
may well be (better) work-arounds other people use that I just don't know
about, so I thought I would ask here if anyone had solutions.

Issue number 1, and the most annoying, is that I like to run all my GnuCash
files with certain standard report tabs open all the time. So, for example,
I will keep main accounts list in tab 1, the year-to-date transactions list
in tab 2, the multicolumn balance sheet in tab 3, then a couple of pie
charts, and so on. Any register I open (a bank, say) comes up in a separate
window. It generally works well, and I can easily switch back and forth
between entities at will, as when I close the file (set of books), the
entire configuration is saved and then gets re-established when next opened.

The annoyance comes when I am using other apps at the same time and close
the main (multi-tabbed) GnuCash window, without seeing that there's a bank
register still open behind some other app. When this happens, this bank
register becomes GnuCash's main window, and my careful constructed assembly
of reports and graphs gets trashed (ie. it is not saved and restored upon
the next open). I have to go into the saved reports and reload every one of
them again, trying to remember the sequence and hoping the saved custom
reports weren't modified without saving.

Given GnuCash's window management norms, which aren't identical to Windows
norms, I can't really think of any simple design fix. But it would be nice
if there was a warning when closing a window containing the main accounts
window when there were other registers still open. Surely this is rarely
done on purpose, as one can't do much until the accounts window is reopened

Or is there another way of preventing this mishap?


PS: a corollary of this is that it would be nice to have an auto-refresh
option for GnuCash reports / graphs such that if the focus moved into a
report or graph, it would refresh it before the window redraw. This was a
performance issue decades ago, but certainly not any more.  

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