[GNC] online banking gnucash 4.9

Jean-David Beyer jeandavid8 at verizon.net
Tue Dec 21 11:44:40 EST 2021

On 12/21/21 11:10, Robert F. Crochelt wrote:
> I am running Fedora 31.  I know this OS is getting old, but did not want
> to upgrade for various reasons.  I upgraded to gnucash 4.9 using flatpak.  It
> seems to run perfectly, but when I try to set up online banking, I click
> on the button to "start aqbanking wizard" and nothing happens.  Output

I had so many problems with flatpak' being separate from the rest of 
Linux that I gave up on it. I no longer have anything from flatpak on my 
machine. When I had GnuCash from flatpak, I could not even get it to 
print on my printer. (I do not want a fix for that anymore.)

My advice is to get GnuCash from somewhere else.

   .~.  Jean-David Beyer
   /V\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
  /( )\ Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  ^^-^^ up 2 days, 22 hours, 56 minutes

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