[GNC] Correcting reconciles

Mahon Finbar mahon.finbar at neuf.fr
Mon Dec 27 10:54:32 EST 2021

Thanks all,

"Un-reconciling doesn't delete anything. I'm not sure what you are 
describing there"

- I am describing an obvious error, such as an entry in the wrong a/c, 
it happens.

"If ALL transactions are reconciled that doesn't mean your balances are 
0.00, it just means that whatever the balance happens to be, you have 
verified it to be correct"

0.00 means for me, in the, in the difference column, that I have checked 
the data I have entered against the bank a/c, for example. If I have 
sorted out all the invoice sent out against the receipts. and don't have 
0.00  maybe someone hasn't paid, or deducted a discount, or....

I am aware of what reconciling is supposed to do. My question is what is 
the meaning of 'unreconcile selection' in the context of trying to reach 
0.00 instead of

for example, in the difference column, as I presume is what reconciling 
is supposed to achieve. I gather from the replies it doesn't mean much.

I assume that un-reconciling a suspect transaction such as a transaction 
in the wrong column should show up as an anomaly. But what about a 
'selection' ?

The other issue is one that has been well aired in these columns, 
opening balances that don't look right. I can appreciate why this is 
untouchable, but it is, to, me, always a suspicious matter.

I have 'cheated' once or twice when the difference is pennies and 
introduced  balancing entry 🙁

Anyway, I'll try to be more disciplined, new year's resolution 😉


On 24/12/2021 18:22, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> There's no shortcut to finding out why you are out of balance. There 
> are 'math tricks' however to guide you. For example, if the unbalanced 
> amount ends with a '9' there is a decent probability you transposed 
> digits somewhere.
> Un-reconciling doesn't delete anything. I'm not sure what you are 
> describing there.
> Un-reconciling simply is removing the 'y' ("yes") flag in the 'r' 
> ("reconciled?") column and changing it to 'n' ("no").
> It doesn't affect any balances. The flag is just for you to know that 
> you have verified the transaction is correct and matches a statement 
> from your financial institution.
> Un-reconciling then, will mark the transaction as 'unverified'. You 
> can filter your register view to show only un-reconciled transactions 
> so you can then do research and find out why it doesn't match, or in 
> fact if it does, then mark it as reconciled.
> If ALL transactions are reconciled that doesn't mean your balances are 
> 0.00, it just means that whatever the balance happens to be, you have 
> verified it to be correct.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 12/24/21 9:07 AM, Mahon Finbar wrote:
>> Happy Holidays,
>> Not wanting to ruin your festivities, but where is the best place to 
>> find help, and advice on rectifying reconciliations.
>> Is see there is a way to "unreconcile" a selection, but I don't 
>> understand what the effect is or why to do it. For example I can 
>> maybe unreconcile to create 0.00 as the overall result but the 
>> transactions are still there!!
>> My issue is that somewhere along the line since 1.1.2013 when I 
>> started Gnu something has gone wrong, things seemed to be OK and 
>> because I was lax in doing reconciles I fell off the 0.00.....
>> I there a way to find the anomaly?
>> Finbar
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