[GNC] balance sheet - eguile version: cannot change fonts

Jürgen Jatzkowski jj at patagonics.de
Tue Jan 5 16:47:15 EST 2021

$ spctl --assess -vv /Applications/Gnucash.app
/Applications/Gnucash.app: accepted
source=Notarized Developer ID
origin=Developer ID Application: John D Ralls (Y9EHT5WMK7)

> Are both machines running 4.2? Have you assigned the same stylesheet to the report on both machines? Do you have any customizations on either?

Yes, both machines are running 4.2. I've assigned the default stylesheet 
on both machines. No customizations.

Here is the screen shot from 1rst machine:

Here is the screenshot from 2nd machine (which is fine for me - although 
I cannot change):


On 05.01.21 22:23, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Jan 5, 2021, at 11:15 AM, Jürgen Jatzkowski<jj at patagonics.de>  wrote:
>> I'm using Gnucash on two Macs (both running BigSur 11.1 and the same version of GNC):
>> Gnucash Version: 4.2
>> Build ID: 4.2+(2020-09-26)
>> Finance::Quote: -
>> Recently I updated (using brew) and noticed that the report "balance sheet - eguile version" (I think it is stored as balsheet-eg.scm in the Gnucash app folder) differs on both machines. Unfortunately one of the host renders the report in a not-so-good-to-read font.
>> Now I did some research and tried to understand the root cause for this behaviour. After some hours struggling now I think it is time to ask here for some help. Changing the font family in the options dialog didn't help - I was not able to change the rendering. No matter which value I enter for the font family it doesn't change. Changing the font size works pretty well.
>> Any hint or help is highly appreciated :)
> The Homebrew recipe just downloads our Gnucash-Intel-4.x.dmg. You can prove that to yourself by running
>   spctl --assess -vv /Applications/Gnucash.app
> in Terminal. You might want to do that anyway because if something's gotten corrupted on either machine that will tell you.
> Are both machines running 4.2? Have you assigned the same stylesheet to the report on both machines? Do you have any customizations on either?
> Perhaps a screenshot of each report would be helpful; it's hard to make useful comments based only on "one of them looks ugly". Remember to attach the screenshots to the very bottom of your reply so that the list server doesn't discard them.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

juergen jatzkowski
jj at patagonics.de

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