[GNC] Thanks for interface improvement - import TXNs

r0bis roberts.klotins at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 06:33:12 EST 2021

Huge thanks to developers.

In the latest GnuCash version (gnome, gtk-3, arch linux) upon importing I
now have a combo type dropdown below every /matched/ transaction that lets
me see the transactions I had entered by hand previously. So for example I
entered the Txn on the day of 21/12/2020 and the matcher now shows in this
little dropdown that for the transaction with posted date 23/12/2020 the
above is transaction date, account I assigned it to, amount and description.
Any matching errors can be addressed straight away. Previously I used to put
all the dubious ones in Imbalance and then resolve it; this is much better.

It might seem nothing much, but it is a HUGE improvement. For years I have
been wishing something like this was implemented. 

Thanks very much!


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