[GNC] Styles of different items in GNUcash reports

Raimund Strehl raimund.strehl at novamar.de
Mon Jan 11 11:23:51 EST 2021

I am trying to fix an issue with the formatting of different items in a simple journal or general ledger.
What I am trying to achieve is to format the primary sorting key in BOLD, but it appears that this item does not have s style of its own.
In my case the primary sorting key are the accounts
The primary sorting key in the generated report seems to be using the background color as defined for the subheader (in e.g. the technicolor style).
But it does not appear to have a text style of its own, it appears to use the test style as defined for the normal text field 
Example of report 

1000 Bank account One <-- I want this bold
01.01.2020 Transfer 2000 EUR
02.01.2020 Transfer 1000 EUR
Total 3000 EUR
1100 Bank account Two <-- I want this bold 
03.01.2020 Transfer 6000 EUR
05.01.2020 Transfer 4000 EUR
Total 10000 EUR

Does anyone have an idea of a workaround or any ongoing improvement to allow this in GNUcash.
Right now my only option is to export the HTML, import in Excel and do this manually. 
Feels like a waste of time as the report function in GNUcash is otherwise very nice and easy.

Thank you for all advice


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