[GNC] My data files have disappeared???

Neil Campbell neilcamp65 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 16 07:14:29 EDT 2021

I am using GNUCash v4.8.2 which I upgraded to yesterday on a MacBook Pro (operating system 10.15.7 Catalina). I did a months accounting entries for the month of September and ran reports such as P&L - no problem. 

When I come to use GNUCash this morning it automatically loads a data file, but the last transaction on this data file is 31 May 2021. I seem to have “lost" the latest backup (and the three previous months) plus everything that was posted for June, July, August, September each month having about 200 transactions. I cannot find any trace of any data file later than 7 June 2021 on my computer.

Can anyone please tell me what has happened to my data files for the previous months?

neilcamp65 at gmail.com

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