[GNC] Unusual book need

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Sat Apr 16 08:57:02 EDT 2022

On 4/16/2022 1:32 AM, Jeff wrote:
> David, I like your approach the best. Even though the transactions are 
> in a joint account between my son and father, I am legally responsible 
> for my sons activities.  And all of the transactions apply to my farm, 
> not Dads. 

Again, I am asking you to be specific/confirm so that we can give you 
best advice.

"And all of the transactions apply to my farm, not Dads"   ----- are you 
saying that all transactions to THIS bank account are fro your farm (the 
only exceptions being perhaps your father putting money into it)? The 
"ownership" of the account (being joint) is NOT necessarily part of the 
problem). And in your father's gnucash books, this is a separate account 
(for THIS bank account). Because in that case there is no separation 
problem, no identifying of the individual transaction.

Your request would then be "how do I get an account and all its 
associated transactions transactions from one set of books to another"?

In this case like an export/import with delete behind. But SOME of the 
transactions would have to change. Namely, the debits << because they 
were probably transfers between one of your father's bank accounts and 
this one but now the debit will be an income account "gifts from Dad" << 
and whether reportable will depend on the annual total >>

Michael D Novack

NOTE: You would NOT have to edit the export/import file to make the 
debit change. Use the trick of temporarily "lying" to the computer by 
temporarily creating an account under assets for you Dad's other bank << 
just like it is in his books >> and then afterwards you will rename it 
and reparent it.

PS -- Know how you feel -- back in younger days, one of Penny's does 
decided to give birth outside of the goat house when it was below zero 
and we had three frostbitten kids to deal with in a playpen set up in 
the kitchen. Luckily no problem getting the to take the bottle.

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