[GNC] License (was Re: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 233, Issue 27)

James Baxter kangaroo52 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 9 07:47:16 EDT 2022

David.Sorry I came across with something as I need to understand what is said. Thanks for what you said. That said, is there a license to us the program. Is there more to it.
ThanksJames Baxter Kangaroo52 at yahoo.com 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 8:43 PM, Derek Atkins<derek at ihtfp.com> wrote:   Hi,

On Mon, August 8, 2022 8:06 pm, David Carlson wrote:
> You need a license to go fishing,  a different license to drive a car.  We
> don't know what you are reading.
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2022, 7:01 PM James Baxter via gnucash-user <
> gnucash-user at gnucash.org> wrote:
>> I am reading something about a license. I read most of it. As I don't
>> understand it. What is it all about.
>> ThanksJames Baxter Kangaroo52 at yahoo.com
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

First, James, please don't "reply" if you're starting a new thread. 
Create a new message from scratch.

Second, when you respond to a message in a digest, please change the
subject to be the subject of the specific message you are replying to, and
please cut down all the rest of the messages.

Third, having said that, the GnuCash LICENSE file (which is what I am
assuming you are reading) explains under what terms the GnuCash code is
distributed (in short: GPL).  As a user of the program, I don't think you
need to understand it fully; it's more about the restrictions on
re-distribution and downstream changes, none of which apply to you.

Happy GnuCashing,

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      Derek Atkins                617-623-3745
      derek at ihtfp.com            www.ihtfp.com
      Computer and Internet Security Consultant


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