[GNC] Splitting a Transaction (Newbie Question)

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Sun Dec 18 10:44:04 EST 2022

On 12/17/2022 6:27 PM, R Losey wrote:
> When you say "bank card", are you talking about something like a debit
> card, or a credit card?
> Also, was this at one shop where you spent 7.24?
> If it is a debit card (money comes directly from the bank account, in
> contrast to a credit card, where charges accumulate, and you pay them off
> monthly), I'd go to the bank account and enter the transaction:
If it is a "debit card" on YOUR bank account that would not be a 
separate asset account. THAT debit card is just the equivalent of doing 
an electronic check from your bank account (one without a check number)

But if it is a debit card equivalent to a "gift card" (not associated 
with your bank account) then it would have its own asset account to be 
credited for the amount used.

  When entering a ONE SIDED split transaction, always start in the 
account on the unsplit side of the transaction. Then you keep changing 
the amount remaining on the other side as you add accounts till all used 
up. But if it is a TWO SIDED split, much ore complicated, and I suggest 
you not tackle those until experienced entering split transactions << 
there are useful tricks for entering two sided tricks but those will be 
confusing before you have mastered one sided spit >>

Michael D Novack

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