[GNC] Customer Deposits

Keith Fetterman keithfetterman at gmail.com
Sat Feb 5 17:52:08 EST 2022

Is there a way to configure GnuCash to enter customer pre-payments a “Customer Deposits” liability account under the “Liabilities” account and have the pre-payment appear in a customer report?

Currently, when you enter a customer payment as a pre-payment it appears as a negative amount in the accounts receivable account.  I would like pre-payments to entered into a “customer deposits" liability account so they appear as a liability to the company.  When I pay the customer invoices, I can pay them from the “customer deposits” liability account.

I experimented with using a Customer Payment to enter the payment into the AR account then use a journal entry between the AR account and the “customer deposits” liability account.  When I pay an invoice from the “customer deposits” account, I get two payments in the customer report.

I can create transactions between a bank account and a  “customer deposits” liability account to represent the customer deposit, but it does not appear in a customer report.  It would be nice to have this shown in the customer report.

Thoughts on how to do this?

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