[GNC] Commission sales and business features

Gyle McCollam gmccollam at live.com
Wed Jan 5 12:37:10 EST 2022

I don't use Gnucash for business, so I don't know if you can or cannot expense commission on the invoice.  If you can't, you could create a liability account for commissions and create a monthly transaction to debit the liability and debit the commission expense account or on a more frequent basis, even sale by sale if required.  You could even have a placeholder account for commission with sub account for each salesperson if you wanted to track commissions by Salesman.

Thank You,
Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam

609.680.2326                     Mobile

gmccollam at live.com<mailto:gmccollam at gyleshomes.com>           email

From: gnucash-user <gnucash-user-bounces+gylemc=gmail.com at gnucash.org> on behalf of R. Victor Klassen <rvklassen at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:14 PM
To: GNU Cash User <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
Subject: [GNC] Commission sales and business features

We occasionally sell something through a third party acting in a broker role.  Which is to say the item is never the possession of the party who does the sale - or at least not owned by them.

When I do the invoice I do not know the actual customer so I create a pseudo customer as a stand-in.  I put in line items for everything sold and then I would like to have a item for commission which reduces the total amount owed.

Adding to the complexity is that commission is taxable,  while none of the other line items is.

Here’s the question:   The commission should be booked against cost of sales which is an expense.  Invoices don’t permit expenses, just assets, income and liabilities.

How do folks normally treat this?

Sent from my iPhone
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