[GNC] GC4.10 on Win10 Crashing

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Tue Jul 19 17:42:42 EDT 2022

I wasn't trying to cause you work, just offering ideas on tracking down 
the cause. Eliminating variables is part of that process. Lots of tabs 
and especially reports open = variables.

I'm going to hazard there is a report that feeds off one of those 
registers (likely the one you are reconciling) that is a good candidate, 
thus closing everything but that register should reveal if that is the case.

But perhaps an upgrade to 4.11 would suit you better. You'll end up 
there most likely anyway.


On 7/19/22 1:41 PM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> Adrien,
> Thanks for the suggestions.
> It would seem to me that Finish/Ctrl-S is pretty reduced.
> I currently have about 12 tabs open. 10 registers, the CoA, and one report (granted, it's a multicolumn report).
> Saving after every edit is a remarkably annoying idea, especially given how long each save takes. I won't be doing that.
> As for a backup, I'm not sure why I'd go to a backup. The problem doesn't always happen, so I don't believe it's a problem with data corruption. I'm trying to move forward with my books, not backward.
> Nothing is holding me back from 4.11.

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