[GNC] Report - Income Statement - Layout problem

Carl-Kensaku HERBORT it at digiene.ch
Sun Mar 20 12:51:55 EDT 2022


The effective nesting level is the same.

No, I don't need an option to justify columns. I just need the income 
statement report to look as normal as the balance sheet report (see 
screen capture).

I really don't need anything more.

Have a nice week-end

Best regards

Carl-Kensaku HERBORT
Case postale
CH-1002 Lausanne

+41 (0) 21 320 22 66

Le 20.03.22 à 16:27, Michael or Penny Novack a écrit :
> On 3/20/2022 5:21 AM, Carl-Kensaku HERBORT wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> I have tried a more recent version on MacOS (Version 4.9 / build ID 
>> 4.9+(2021-12-18) / Finance::Quote:-). It solves the first problem of 
>> string translation.
>> But the second problem is still there: the width and column alignment 
>> of the revenue part is not synchronized with those of the expense part.
>> Do you have any ideas ? 
> You did not say ---- is the effective nesting level of income and 
> expense the same?
> Even if so, the resulting report would not be what I wanted in a report 
> in the final form I would be presenting to the board at meetings or 
> having published in an annual report << I used to be treasurer of some 
> 501(c)3 organizations and used gnucash to keep the books >>
> I suspect that what you want (from the developers) is an option to 
> "justify columns from the right". That's what I would have in the 
> "finished product" reports. In the case of the Income Statement 
> (Statement of Revenues and Expenses --- what a non-profit calls this 
> report) but also with Balance Sheet reports. Instead of writing custom 
> reports* I export and then edit with full control over the level of 
> detail in different parts, column alignment, etc. and can add annotation 
> as needed. There is a lot of detail work** in producing a "pretty print" 
> report.
> Michael D Novack
> * I am a retired pro. While not fluent in the language used to create 
> the reports, I can at least read LISP and so soon could be << when you 
> have written in half a dozen languages, what's one more >> But the first 
> time this came up, I was advised not to bother, just export raw reports 
> and edit to the finished product. Great editors already exist so why try 
> to reinvent the wheel.
> ** For example, page breaks. You don't want them at an awkward place in 
> the report so might want to insert some blank lines to prevent that. You 
> might want top levels or total lines a different font size or bold, et.
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