[GNC] Integration between Freshbooks and Gnucash?

Jim DeLaHunt list+gnucash at jdlh.com
Mon May 16 16:48:07 EDT 2022

Hello, GnuCash users?

I use a service called Freshbooks [1] to track the time I spend working 
in my sole proprietorship business, and to generate invoices to clients 
billing that time, and to accept payments. In the meantime I do my 
bookkeeping in GnuCash. Are there other GnuCash users who also use 

One tedious aspect of this combination is that I need to re-author my 
invoices in GnuCash after I author them in Freshbooks and send them to 
the customer. Also, if I buy something for a customer, I enter the 
bookkeeping transaction in GnuCash and then re-author it in Freshbooks 
so that I can bill the expense to my client. It would be nice to avoid 
this duplication.

Freshbooks has an API [2], which should let apps send data to and 
receive data from Freshbooks via HTTP calls and JSON data structures. 
They just launched an App Store [3] where vendors can advertise apps 
which integrate with Freshbooks. I do not see any apps there at the 
moment which mention GnuCash. But it should be possible to author such 
an app.

I am interested in an app connecting Freshbooks to GnuCash. My top 
priority is to be able to export invoice and payment data from 
Freshbooks to GnuCash without re-authoring. But more integration is also 
potentially useful for other people. If you are also interested, I would 
encourage you to let me know either directly or via this email list 
thread. You could also suggest such an app to Freshbooks [4]. It 
probably won't make anything happen soon, but registering the interest 
can't hurt. I am a developer, so I could potentially develop such an app 
— but realistically, it is far enough down my wish list that I won't get 
to it soon, unless I get encouragement.

Best regards,
      —Jim DeLaHunt, Vancouver, Canada

[1] <https://www.freshbooks.com/>
[2] <https://www.freshbooks.com/api/start>
[3] <https://appstore.freshbooks.com/>
[4] <https://appstore.freshbooks.com/>, click the "Suggest an App" button

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