[GNC] Found a bug, accounts gone haywire.

Michael Davis michael at damaru.com
Sat Nov 5 20:02:25 EDT 2022

Thanks for the responses!

I’ve been running this version:

Version: 4.11
Build ID: 4.11+(2022-06-25)

for a few months, on an iMac M1, Montery 12.5.1. 

Yes, I see this in the register window. As well, the Accounts tab that has the tree of accounts, shows that account as having the wrong value $621k.

I’m considering whether to offer to share my data file with the developers for debugging purposes. There is certainly no banking identifiers such as account numbers in this file, but I need to consider whether a list of transactions in an account called “Checking” would itself pose any security risk.

I’m a software developer myself and I really wish I had a bit of extra time right now so that I could dig into the code and try to debug it myself. I did take a Lisp course in university.


> On Nov 4, 2022, at 7:56 PM, David H <hellvee at gmail.com> wrote:
> No. What OS, What Gnucash, any updates to OS or Gnucash lately.  I assume you're seeing this in a register window ??????
> Cheers David H.
> On Sat, 5 Nov 2022 at 09:10, Michael Davis <michael at damaru.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just joined this group to report this problem. I’ve been using GnuCash for more than 15 years and I’ve never before had a problem with it.
> It does have more than 15 years of data in it, the file size is 2.4MB.
> When I opened it a couple of days ago, some of the accounts were messed up. For example, I’ve got a liability account for my credit card, the balance should be a credit of a couple of thousand. But now it’s a debit of over 600,000. Looking at the transactions, it starts at zero and adds every transaction as a debit, sort of like this:
> debit | credit  | balance
>       |         | 0.00
> 10.00 |         | 10.00
>       | 20.00   | 30.00
>>       |         | 621,245.35
> Has anyone else seen this?
> thanks
> Michael Davis
> Ottawa, Canada
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