[GNC] Can someone tell me how A-L=Eq+(I-Ex) is correct?

Liz Dodd edodd at billiau.net
Thu Sep 1 00:42:52 EDT 2022

On Wed, 31 Aug 2022 21:08:35 -0500
"W. Neal Lewis" <wnlewis at southwind.net> wrote:

> David,
> That's where this all started.
> It didn't make sense so I thought I would ask people who were more 
> knowledgeable.
> I did look on line and nothing on line made any more sense.
> So, thank you for your help.
> Best regards,
> Neal Lewis

Putting on my educator hat 
Not everyone understands the same way, people read the same words and
assign different meaning to those words.
So we need access to lots of different approaches.

Putting on my moderator hat
Officially this list does not support accounting discussions, but it is
one of the things we do here, as well as how to use Gnucash.


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