[GNC] Color of register placeholder text and hiding register header

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Tue Sep 13 02:04:28 EDT 2022

Maybe try:

cursor entry {
   color: (whatever you like);

The comments at the top of the sample CSS file from the Wiki define 
'cursor entry' as an entity/node that affects the active cell. That 
declaration should override everything else.

Be sure to test with commenting out or removing your other rules 
affecting color for:

gnc-id-cursor entry


Also note those color definitions I mentioned still have to be used in a 
rule. Simply defining them doesn't do anything by itself.

For example, I have:

@define-color register_secondary_bg_color #d9d9d9;

as mentioned, and then later in my file I use it thusly:

register-secondary {
   background-color: @register_secondary_bg_color;

My memory is fuzzy, but I think 'secondary' refers to the 'second line' 
(if made visible in the view menu) that shows the Notes field.

'Primary' is probably the main transaction line showing the date, NUM, 
Description, Amount, and Balance

There is also a class '.register-split' to target the individual split 
lines. (all cells as far as I'm aware, so: Action, Memo, Account, 
Reconciled Flag, Amounts)


You can also set:

sheet {
   color: (whatever you like);

to affect the entire register, regardless of the transaction in focus. 
(which is targeted separately with the 'primary' & 'secondary' classes 
and the 'cursor entry' entity.


Finally, I'm not sure what GTK allows for color specifications.

I don't see any HSL rules in my file, even though I prefer to use that 
method, so it is possible it isn't allowed.

I do have hex, named colors, and rgba. I also have a few 'color: mix 
(currentColor, white, 0.2);' and 'color: mix (currentColor, grey, 0.8);' 
which create tints and shades of whatever is the 'parent' or 'inherited' 
color for blending aesthetics.


On 9/12/22 10:07 PM, Glenn Fowler wrote:
> Thanks Adrien that is getting a little closer. Just leaving this here for
> others.
> 1. I tried reordering but it had no effect.
> 2. Defining a color for 'register_cursor_fg_color' and
> 'register_cursor_color' didn't change anything.
> 3. '@define-color register_cursor_bg_color' is the same as background-color
> for '*.gnc-class-register-cursor' but it DOESN'T override the cell
> highlighting in 'gnc-id-cursor entry'.
> So there must be a '@define-color xxxxxx' which is the same as color for
> '*.gnc-class-register-cursor' (which is the placeholder text color). That
> class still overrides.
> Confusing. I sure couldn't make themes all day.

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