[GNC] Color of register placeholder text and hiding register header

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Tue Sep 13 02:08:17 EDT 2022


I swore I had a period in front of the class:


in my prior post. It is a class, not a node/entity.


On 9/13/22 1:04 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Also note those color definitions I mentioned still have to be used in a 
> rule. Simply defining them doesn't do anything by itself.
> For example, I have:
> @define-color register_secondary_bg_color #d9d9d9;
> as mentioned, and then later in my file I use it thusly:
> register-secondary {
>    background-color: @register_secondary_bg_color;
> }
> My memory is fuzzy, but I think 'secondary' refers to the 'second line' 
> (if made visible in the view menu) that shows the Notes field.
> 'Primary' is probably the main transaction line showing the date, NUM, 
> Description, Amount, and Balance
> There is also a class '.register-split' to target the individual split 
> lines. (all cells as far as I'm aware, so: Action, Memo, Account, 
> Reconciled Flag, Amounts)

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