[GNC] Deposits

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Sun Sep 18 20:27:07 EDT 2022

On 9/18/2022 11:05 AM, Oliver Turp wrote:
> Hi,
> I was hoping to get advise on how to handle deposits (ie upfront payment towards the eventful total fee). I thought initially maybe they should go down as credit notes and then use that credit note towards the final invoice, but the doc description of a credit note didn’t sound correct. If the job costs $1,000 and I needed 50% upfront, then I do actually have $500 in my checking account.
> Any help here would be great.
> Many thanks,
> Oliver

When a person gets to figure it out for themselves, they remember better.

You are asking "How do I do this using gnucash?" Well first describe to 
yourself how you would be doing this in the old days, pen and ink on 
paper. What your initial invoice to the customer would look like, how 
you would record that the customer then paid you a 50% deposit on the 
full amount (a partial payment of the full amount).  Then all you need 
to worry about is how to do that using gnucash rather than pen and ink 
on paper.

BUT -- if you can't describe to yourself how you would have been doing 
ti pen and ink on paper then your problem is not "How do I do this using 
gnucash?" but "How do I do this?" (whatever you were using).

Michael D Novack

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