[GNC] Strawberry Perl 5.38 breaks F::Q (with workaround)

byemail byemail at telus.net
Sun Aug 13 19:30:40 EDT 2023


I use winget to automatically update apps on my Windows devices. Last 
week, winget automatically updated Strawberry Perl from 5.32 to 5.38. In 
doing so, it broke F::Q in Gnucash. (broke=greyed out button in 
Tools->Price Database). When I tried reinstalling F::Q it failed while 
making Module::CPANTS::Analyze. I overcame this with a "force install 
Module::CPANTS::Analyze", then successfully re-installed F::Q.  I'm not 
sure why it failed and someone else versed in these things could 
probably provide a proper fix. Bug I just wanted to let the devs know 
about the new 5.38 version (on Github atm) and provide a note for any 
other users that may experience this.


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