[GNC] Accounting Period Change issue

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Mon Dec 18 20:54:00 EST 2023

On 12/18/2023 3:11 PM, Kalpesh Patel wrote:
> Hmmm!
> For 1) see the attached jpg. It describes the situation that no one wants to be in (fyi - I am current practitioner in IT/Systems/Engineering/Software world) ... it's a defect; not a bug.
> For 2), if I am spending energy to change it deliberately then I want to see updated values; why else would I be making that change? Definitely not to have a self-exploding time bomb for the future. It is a refresh/redraw issue and is not an error in calculation issue, as it does eventually displays correct values.
> I get feeling that I am going to get flamed...

No, not flamed, explained.

So you have enough experience in the IT world to understand that this is 
a "refresh" issue. That the DATA (that defines current accounting 
period) is going to be in a file of "program data" that gets read in 
when the program starts and that the "change accounting period" function 
changes this data. To get it to take effect the program has to start again.

If you don't want to "leave a time bomb for the future", want to "see it 
now", just do a save, close, (re)open immediately after making the 
change to accounting period. If you don't want to interrupt your work 
flow (say entering a stack of transactions), the change will appear the 
NEXT TIME you open gnucash (not far in the future).  Not having it 
automatic gives you the choice. Personally I like all saves to be 
explicit, known points in my workflow. I am rarely entering transactions 
"real time" or in date order so want to know exactly where I was in the 
work flow each save.

Michael D Novack

PS -- that "not in real time" means I would be using explicit dates for 
reports, etc. and not things like "current accounting period" which are 
relative to real time.

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