[GNC] GUID Register Codes

Stephen rilesthemtobelieve at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 18:30:45 EST 2023

The previous postings about "Balance Column Lost" have led me to ask 
about GUID register codes as I repaired some column width problems. By 
trial and error I was able to modify the .GCM file to repair the width 
of a couple of columns that I had narrowed (not to 0 or 1 but 5). Adrien 
Monteleone's guidance worked very well although scrolling looking for a 
small width was faster than a search after 0 and 1 produced no results. 
So Thanks!  I am still stumped by the registries GUID codes. How can I 
find out which register is referenced by each of the GUID codes, please? 
I have a feeling that it may have something to do with SQL but that too 
has eluded me in past efforts open SQL files and make any sense of it. 
Appreciate any guidance...the more simple the better! Thank you.

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