[GNC] Migrating from PC to Mac

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sat Feb 18 23:00:39 EST 2023

I have not tried using iCloud or any other non-local storage for my data 
file (I consider a 'LAN' as 'local') but this *might* be an issue with 
Gatekeeper and permissions to access other storage locations. I recall 
being pestered by MacOS when it was implemented to approve of various 
applications having access to this or that storage folder and in 
particular my music apps having access to my music files which I stored 
on an external drive. A similar situation could be the case with GnuCash 
and your iCloud folder.

MacOS *should* ask you for permissions for an app the first time you 
attempt to access a location from within said app, but that might not 
always happen, and in the case of GnuCash, not being technically MacOS 
native, it might not always trigger that permission request.

Try navigating to (Apple Menu) > System Preferences > Security & Privacy 
 > Privacy (tab) and if necessary unlock the tab with the padlock icon 
and your password (bottom left corner of the window) and then make sure 
GnuCash has permissions for the iCloud folder. That may or may not solve 
the problem right off, but I suspect the issue is related and this 
*should* set you on the right path to solve it.

Note, there are some locations that are easily visible from Finder but 
that technically reside in a special part of the 'file tree' on your 
system. iCloud might be one of those (I suspect it is) and so finding 
out where it is, you might be able to navigate to it from its real 
original path via the file chooser within GnuCash. (I haven't done so 
myself as I noticed, this is just a guess)


On 2/18/23 9:51 PM, Martin Taylor wrote:
> Hi Adrien
> Thanks for your reply
> I am indeed up and running and because I only had a couple of saved report configurations, it has been straightforward enough to simply recreate them ;-)
> One slight puzzle is that from the Gnucash dialogue box, I can locate the data file when its on the Mac in desktop or wherever, but if I move the datafile to iCloud, I can’t find an option to navigate to that destination from the Gnucash Open file pop-up box.  Not a game breaker, and possibly just a configuration issue, I can attach a screenshot if that was helpful

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