[GNC] Matchmakers import filters lost with upgrade of GC

Ulrich Grün ulrich.gruen at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 05:17:58 EDT 2023

Dear users of GnuCash,

I have been using GC for 7 month now and there's a lot I like about this
One thing that keeps bothering me: when I upgrade to a new version (I build
it myself), all the settings are lost. Especially the saved import settings
from the Matchmaker.

I wonder where these settings are being stored. Obviously not in the
accountancy file itself, since that is reused every time.

At a first glance, it seems to be here: /home/ulrich/.local/share/gnucash/


But this file is not removed when I upgrade. Also, it is not version
specific (as far as I understand)

I use Linux (Ubuntu with KDE).

Thanks in advance for any help.

नमस्ते (Namasté),


" Can't talk to you without talking to me; we're guilty of the same old
        Thinking a lot about less and less, and forgetting the Love we
bring "
                                     [Grateful Dead, in: 'Althea']

                           Mijn blog: ✡ theskepticaltheist.eu ✡

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