[GNC] Why is balance always zero in search results?

Derek Atkins derek at ihtfp.com
Tue Jul 11 08:32:42 EDT 2023


On Mon, July 10, 2023 4:51 am, Adam Mackler via gnucash-user wrote:
> Hello:
> I am using GnuCash version 4.4.
> When I use the "Find" option under the "Edit" menu while viewing an
> account register, the "Search Results" I get seem to be a filtered version
> of the account register that I was looking at when applying the "Find".

This is correct.

If you want to find from everything, then initiate the find from the Chart
of Accounts.

> There are two differences between the account register and the Search
> Results that I don't understand:
> 1. In the "Search Results" there are no amounts on each transaction line
> in the "Tot Debit" or "Tot Credit" columns, as there are when viewing the
> account register.  There are amounts on the split lines, but not on the
> first line for each transaction.
> 2. The "Balance" column on each transaction line shows "0.00" for each
> transaction, whereas in the account register that column shows the balance
> of the account after each transaction.
> Why is value in the "Balance" column zero on every transaction line when
> viewing Search Results, or put another way, what is the point of that
> column if it shows no useful information?  Is there a setting I can change
> so that the values shown in the "Balance" column are a running total of
> debits and credits on the account to which I applied the Edit → Find tool?
> I’m guessing it has something to do with the Find tool forgetting what
> account I’m interested in, and so not knowing which account’s running
> total it should be showing.  What I’m trying to do is to limit the date
> range for the account register so I can generate an Account Report limited
> to that date range.  The problem is that an Account Report generated from
> the Search Results shows a running total ("Balance" column) of zero after
> every transaction.

It's also the fact that the running balance amounts are not computed on
the fly, so it would be odd to display a balance.

> Alternatively, is there a way to generate an Account Report directly from
> an account register but for a limited date range?

Yes! Filter by date under:   View -> Filter

Then from there, run the Account Report.

> -- 
> Adam Mackler

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       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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