[GNC] Window/Mac Summary Box difference

Neil Campbell neilcamp65 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 04:02:15 EDT 2023

Thank you all for your very helpful information on the data in this Summary Box. Thanks for the latest info from Stephen and David.

BTW the Grand Total has always been blank for me. I now think that I have the final key to solve the problem. I didn’t notice that in the Preferences section of the PC app under Accounting Periods, that the Relative dates were ticked. When I changed this to Absolute dates, it worked perfectly and the right numbers are there. The Profit numbers do represent Income less Expenses but this is based on the date selected for the Accounting Period. The Net Equity is calculated for the current date which in practice is the date of the last transactions. 

Your prompt action to help me was very much appreciated. Thank you all.

Best regards.  
neilcamp65 at gmail.com

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