[GNC] Window/Mac Summary Box difference

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sun Jul 16 16:47:25 EDT 2023

For reference, see bug links below.


On 7/16/23 2:50 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> This first label, currency symbol, is telling you what the next two 
> figures are denominated in, though this is redundant since the currency 
> symbol is repeated with the actual amounts. I'll file a bug on this.


> This space would be much more useful with a 'Current Net Worth' figure 
> there. I'll file an RFE for this.


> Finally, none of this appears documented in Help where the Summary Bar 
> is described. That existing description references how the Summary Bar 
> behaves in tabs *other than* the Account tab, which I believe is a bug, 
> and I'll file that too. (the Summary bar is later described in each 
> context separately anyway)


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