[GNC] Two Instances as opposed to two separate files

R Losey rlosey at gmail.com
Sat Jul 15 17:44:48 EDT 2023

I'm fine with either, but I don't want the styles mixed: THAT is hard to

Richard Losey
rlosey at gmail.com
Micah 6:8

On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 8:34 PM William Prescott <will at theprescotts.com>

> Just to be a devil's advocate...
> The advantage of top posting is that the new addition to the thread is
> obvious. With bottom posting, the new reply appears in the middle of the
> message, often with text both above and below it.
> Probably because of the default behavior of many email clients, most email
> chains I see are top posted. This forum is the only place where I commonly
> see bottom posting.
> To quote from Wikipedia on the subject:
> "For a long time the traditional style was to post the answer below as
> much of the quoted original as was necessary to understand the reply
> (bottom or inline). Many years later, when email became widespread in
> business communication, it became a widespread practice to reply above the
> entire original and leave it (supposedly untouched) below the reply.
> While each online community <
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_community> differs on which styles
> are appropriate or acceptable, within some communities the use of the
> "wrong" method risks being seen as a breach of netiquette <
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netiquette>, and can provoke vehement
> response from community regulars."
> Personally, I'm neutral. Either is fine with me.
> Will

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