[GNC] YahooJSON hack for Linux Flatpak install

doug brown dougcb68 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 16 16:44:29 EDT 2023

The hack proposed by Bruce Schuck in the thread "Yahoo Closed the Door on Finance API" also works for Flatpak install of Gnucash v. 5.3.
This Flatpak install was the only Linux distribution of Gnucash v.5.3 I have been able to find. Unfortunately it it uses F::Q v. 1.56 and I have been unable to find any means of upgrading to F::Q v. 1.57.  The good news is the hack also works on F::Q v.1.56.
Bruce's hack is:>For those comfortable with locating and editing the YahooJSON.pm module>manually I have a quick fix. If you have F::Q v1.57 change the lines>defining $YIND_URL_HEAD and $YIND_URL_TAIL (lines 38 and 39) to:
>my $YIND_URL_HEAD =>'https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v11/finance/quoteSummary/?symbol=';>my $YIND_URL_TAIL = '&modules=price,summaryDetail,defaultKeyStatistics';
The Flatpak YahooJSON.pm module is located at:var/lib/flatpak/app/org.gnucash.GnuCash/current/active/files/lib/perl5/site_perl/S.32.0/Finance/Quote
Elevated privileges are required to modify this file.

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