[GNC] Finance::Quote 1.57_02 - YahooWeb gets correct trading date and fixed pricing for single char symbols

Fross, Michael michael at fross.org
Tue Jul 18 10:05:04 EDT 2023

Ok, the market is open.  Seems like something with GNUCash.

When running from the command line it looks good with F:Q v1.57_2, the
pulled quote has the updated information dated 2023-07-18:

[image: image.png]

However, when doing a "Get Quotes" from the price database, it completes
without an error, but still shows 2023-07-17 with the old data.
[image: image.png]

Downgrading to 1.57 update works without issue both with the command line
and within GnuCash :
[image: image.png]

Is anyone else seeing this or is it just me?  BTW, ACN is using YahooWeb as
the source.  When I downgraded to 1.57, the prices updated correctly in
GNUCash.  When I get a few minutes, I'll turn on GNUCash logging and see if
I can find anything.



On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 7:49 AM Fross, Michael <michael at fross.org> wrote:

> I suppose I should have provided a bit more information.  F:Q 1.57_02 did
> not give any errors.  I'm on Windows 11 with Strawberry Perl and am using
> YahooWeb and AlphaVantage.
> Michael
> On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 7:46 AM Fross, Michael <michael at fross.org> wrote:
>> Hi Bruce,
>> I had some issues yesterday evening - GNC didn't update US stock prices
>> since Friday 7/14 (I upgraded after this.)  I downgraded to the released
>> version (1.57) and it worked fine.  I've re-upgraded and will test when the
>> markets open this morning.  I'll try to narrow it down a bit (F:Q issue,
>> GNC issue?)  And of course it could just be my machine.
>> Just an FYI - more to come...
>> Michael
>> On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 7:39 AM Richard Ullger via gnucash-user <
>> gnucash-user at gnucash.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Bruce,
>>> Just confirming there were no issues updating prices after market close
>>> yesterday.
>>> Arch Linux
>>> Gnucash 4.14
>>> Finance::Quote 1.57\_02
>>> yahoojson
>>> yahooweb
>>> mstaruk
>>> Regards,
>>> Richard
>>> \-------- Original Message --------
>>> On 16 Jul 2023, 21:38, Bruce Schuck < bschuck at asgard-systems.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Greetings, Another beta pre-release for F::Q v1.58 has been uploaded
>>> to CPAN. The URL used by YahooWeb (yahooweb) has been changed to the date
>>> is pulled from web page. The issue with some single-character symbols
>>> getting bad pricing has also been fixed, and labels 'open', 'high', 'low',
>>> and 'volume' have been added. Again, not a production indexed release, you
>>> can still install it using CPAN. $ cpan
>>> BPSCHUCK/Finance-Quote-1.57\_02.tar.gz or $ cpanm
>>> BPSCHUCK/Finance-Quote-1.57\_02.tar.gz or $ perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan>
>>> install BPSCHUCK/Finance-Quote-1.57\_02.tar.gz Bruce S.
>>> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
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