[GNC] USAA OFX Direct connect stopped working

john jralls at ceridwen.us
Tue Jul 18 12:15:33 EDT 2023

Access id is configured in the AQBanking setup wizard accessed from Tools>Online Banking Setup. The PIN is collected every time you run Actions>Online>Get Transactions unless you told GnuCash to remember it. If you did you can tell it to forget from Preferences>Online Banking.

John Ralls

> On Jul 17, 2023, at 20:41, Daffy Duck <suffsuccotash at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, as of today, I can no longer use the online download again.
> 22:35:38 Status for signon request: General error (Code 2000, severity "ERROR")
> Error other than those specified by the remaining error codes. (Note: Servers should provide a more specific error whenever possible. Error code 2000 should be reserved for cases in which a more specific code is not available.)
> 22:35:38 Status for account info request: Signon invalid (Code 15500, severity "ERROR")
> The user cannot signon because he or she entered an invalid user ID or password.
> And the problem is, I can't find the info on how to set ACCESS ID: and ACCESS PIN: so I can do it over again.
> Any ideas?
> On Mon, 2022-08-22 at 09:18 -0700, John Ralls wrote:
>>> On Aug 21, 2022, at 8:13 PM, john <jralls at ceridwen.us <mailto:jralls at ceridwen.us>> wrote:
>>>> On Aug 21, 2022, at 7:54 PM, Daffy Duck <suffsuccotash at gmail.com <mailto:suffsuccotash at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> A while back, USAA changed their OFX stuff and there had to be a
>>>> workaround with a PIN, etc.
>>>> I did that, without a problem, but I just noticed today it has broken
>>>> again?
>>>> This is the output:
>>>> AqBanking v6.5.2.0stable
>>>> Sending jobs to the bank(s)
>>>> Sorting commands by account
>>>> Sorting account queues by provider
>>>> Send commands to providers
>>>> Send commands to provider "aqofxconnect"
>>>> Locking customer "1299"
>>>> Sending request...
>>>> Connecting to server...
>>>> Resolving hostname "df3cx-services.1fsapi.com" ...
>>>> IP address is ""
>>>> Connecting to "df3cx-services.1fsapi.com"
>>>> Connected to "df3cx-services.1fsapi.com"
>>>> Using GnuTLS default ciphers.
>>>> TLS: SSL-Ciphers negotiated: TLS1.3:ECDHE-RSA-AES-128-GCM:AEAD
>>>> Connected.
>>>> Sending message...
>>>> Message sent.
>>>> Waiting for response...
>>>> Receiving response...
>>>> HTTP-Status: 200 ()
>>>> Response received.
>>>> Disconnecting from server...
>>>> Disconnected.
>>>> Parsing response...
>>>> Status for signon request: Success (Code 0, severity "INFO")
>>>> The server successfully processed the request.
>>>> Status for transaction statement request: General error (Code 2000,
>>>> severity "ERROR")
>>>> Error other than those specified by the remaining error codes. (Note:
>>>> Servers should provide a more specific error whenever possible. Error
>>>> code 2000 should be reserved for cases in which a more specific code is
>>>> not available.)
>>>> Unlocking customer "1299"
>>>> --
>>>> any ideas?
>>> First, try again tomorrow on the off chance USAA had a server outage over the weekend. If it still fails, turn on OFX logging (see https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking#Debugging) and capture the actual OFX response. Edit it to remove your actual account number and credentials then post it here.
>> BTW I was able to retrieve my USAA credit card transactions this morning with no problems.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls

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