[GNC] Get Quotes under Ver 4.14 v 5.0 or 5.1 or 5.2 or 5.3

David H hellvee at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 21:21:02 EDT 2023


Try running C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-update, I seem to
recall that fixed it for me on Windows when I initially went to version 5.0.

Cheers David H.

On Tue, 27 Jun 2023 at 10:21, Steve Miller <srmnonessential239x at gmail.com>

> *So I'm running Windows 11, for years have used GnuCash version 4.14.  It
> also shows I'm using Finance:Quote 1.53.  When I go to prices, to "Get
> Quotes" and click the button, it works fine, always has, still does.*
> *BUT, when I install any GnuCash 5.0 version, the "Get Quotes" button is
> grayed out, so I can't get any quotes.  If I revert to 4.14, it works great
> again.*
> *Any idea what's going on in GnuCash 5.0 and above that would cause that?*
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