[GNC] How to upgrade to 5.1 in Ubuntu

Roland Giesler roland at giesler.za.net
Tue May 9 12:12:19 EDT 2023

Hi all,

I'm looking for some details on how to upgrade to GNUCash 5.1 on Ubuntu 
22.04.  I installed GNUCash from the repositories (v 4.8), but the new 
version is not in the repos yet.  So, if I install manually, I'll 
probably end up having both versions installed, not?

Question 1: Is there a Debian or Ubuntu repository somewhere that I 
could install from?

Question 2: Failing q1 above, should I uninstall my GNUCash and then 
install from the tarball?

thanks in advance for your valued responses!


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