[GNC] Same currency pair, two places, same date

Peter Lamb peter_lamb2001 at yahoo.com.au
Sat Jul 13 03:22:31 EDT 2024

Neither inverse can be expressed exactly, so it's not at all surprising 
that a limited precision inverse will deliver slightly different results.

1/4148 also repeats but only after about the 240th decimal place.


On 13/7/2024 13:56, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Not quite.
> 1/4148 = .000241080038573
> but
> 1/.000239 = 4184.100418410041841
> (which appears to be a repeating number)
> Possibly, there are two transactions that day with one having 
> transposed digits (4148 vs. 4184) in the transfer amount that was 
> entered directly rather than looked up online.
> I would suspect that confirming the actual ratio that day and 
> re-entering one or both transactions will resolve the situation to a 
> single conversion rate for the day.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 7/12/24 7:47 PM, Peter Lamb via gnucash-user wrote:
>> They appear to be the inverse of each other (1 USD = 4148 COP, 1 COP 
>> = 0.000239 USD), which is what you'd expect.
>> Regards,
>> Peter
>> On 12/7/2024 18:30, Fred Tydeman wrote:
>>> In looking at my Price Database for Currencies,
>>> I see that the conversion rate for a pair appears twice
>>> for the same date.
>>> Under COP there is a USD entry for June 30 of 0.000239
>>> Under USD there is a COP entry for June 30 of 4148
>>> So, which one is used for reports?
>>> Is this going to cause issues?
>>> In looking at other values, I see that most of them in both
>>> COP and USD came from Finance::Quote, but at different dates.
>>> There are a few user:price-editor entries.
>>> I am running Fedora Linux 37 and Gnucash 4.14
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