[GNC] Problem with Online Quotes/Price Database

Steve Barru sbarru at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 01:25:14 EDT 2024

I am using GnuCash v4.12 on a 64-bit Windows 11 laptop to keep track of
personal finances. I am retired and my income consists of Social Security
and distributions from investments in funds and occasionally, stocks. I
live outside of the US and am tracking dual-currencies with GnuCash. When I
started running GnuCash in Jan 2023, I set up the Online Price Retrieval
module for equities and forex quotations. I have been using the Price
Database tool to fetch quotes on a more or less monthly basis and this has
worked seamlessly until May 2024 when I got an error message telling me
there was a problem with the database or something to that effect. Beyond
periodic Windows updates, no changes to my system that I know of.

Since then I have uninstalled and then reinstalled the Strawberry Perl app
that runs the online quote service; the version installed is 5.32.1001.
After the installation, I ran the Price Database tool and the Get Quotes
button on the right of the screen was grayed out. I got a new Alpha Vantage
API key hoping that might solve the problem. It did not; the Get Quotes
button is still grayed out.

Looking for suggestions how to troubleshoot this, hopefully that are not
exceptionally technical. Thanks for any help with this.


steve barru photographs <http://stevebarru.com>
Mobile: +84 393 022 059
Hoi An, Vietnam

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