[GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 255, Issue 13

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Fri Jun 14 11:18:22 EDT 2024


Try this:

Set the Journal to show all transactions in Preferences.

Set a filter while viewing the Journal to the period in question.

Run an Account Report.

You can do the same with individual accounts.

The Transaction Report is also very powerful and can be customized quite 
a bit. I don't think it can paginate per account though.


On 6/12/24 3:56 PM, Bruce Irving wrote:
> There is one feature I would like to see, though I doubt many would have a
> use for it.  I learned bookkeeping BC (Before Computer) so I learned the
> paper/pencil method.  I wish there was a report that would let me print a
> General Journal much like what appears on screen for a particular period.
> I would also like to print the various active accounts: Date GL 1st
> Description, with debit and credit columns.  While I would like a running
> balance, I believe the proper way was totals at the bottom.  Oh, and each
> account would be its own page(s).

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