[GNC] Running balance/total from search results is always $0.00

Chandler C.S at GMX.US
Wed May 29 01:42:48 EDT 2024

    I'd like the sum of the values from entries with certain criteria in
the "Memo" field in an expense account.  I can get the list of
transactions containing these entries by searching the Memo field. 
Then, everything I found says I can open a Report > Account Report to
get the running balance/total, however that column always remains $0.00
for me.

    I wonder if this has to due with the double-entry bookkeeping I'm
using?  The display is also complicated by the fact that these
transactions can include 3 or 4 different expenses which means instead
of just 2 lines for funds in/funds out, there could be 8 lines for funds
in/out of 4 different accounts, all of which are shown in the Account
Report, yet I'm only interested in the values from the one account I
performed the initial search from.

Using Gnucash 5.6

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